Excel Adapter with update and lookup functions
The Excel Adapter has undergone a complete overhaul for this version and now sports a host of new features. For instance it is now possible to perform updates of Excel rows/records in a similar way to the database Adapters and you can choose whether data is inserted, updated or both options used in combination. According to key fields you define, the Excel Adapter checks whether the record exists for updating or else will insert it into the sheet. The target area of the sheet for imported data can optionally be cleared before the import starts. This makes sure that when the imported amount of data is shorter than a previous import, no redundant data is left behind in the Excel sheet.
XML export with grouping
XML Adapter - Export with groupingThis version includes an enhancement to the XML Adapter with a further powerful feature. It is now possible with an XML export to group XML data across XML nodes. This feature now enables much more complex XML files to be generated than was previously possible during an export run. Moreover, the Configurator popup of the Designer has improved creation and moving of nodes and subnodes.
Automatic Codepage recognition of UTF/Unicode files
This functionality was actually delivered with an interim release as Version Since only a summary of changes is given for interim releases, we now offer a more detailed explanation of this new feature.
When on the READ side in the TextFile Adapter a UTF/Unicode text file is selected that contains an encoding that commences with a few special bytes called a BOM (byte order mark) then the corresponding code page is recognized automatically and set. This automatic recognition only works for Unicode/UTF files with a BOM (byte order mark). Unfortunately, for other types of file the code page must be manually selected as before. The default code page remains unchanged as the Windows ANSI code page defined in the system settings.
FlowHeater Server available
FlowHeater Server ManagerAt last, the anxiously awaited first FlowHeater Server Version has now been released. The features of FlowHeater Server include running scheduled and event triggered automated tasks without the need for user login. High levels of flexibility were the focus during development, for this reason not only can FlowHeater Definition files be executed, there is also support for EXE files as well as scripts with extensions CMD, BAT und PS1 (=Power Shell).
FlowHeater Server is scalable from the “lowly” workstation to the high-performance server with multiple processors.
FlowHeater Server is automatically licensed with a valid Company License (Standard or Runtime) and so can be used for free.
Processing text files with user-defined line breaks
The lines in text files are usually either terminated by a two-byte sequence CR LF (0x0D0A) under Windows or by a single byte LF (0x0A) under Linux/Unix or Mac OS X. Both kinds of terminator have previously been supported by the TextFile Adapter. However, the format of text files is occasionally specified differently and an alternative character or sequence of characters are used for the record/row line breaks. The TextFile Adapter now supports freely defined characters for the recognition of line terminators, which means non-standard text files can now be processed in the normal way. Any character or string can be specified as the line terminator.