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More dynamism with parameters

17 October 2011

Release notes for version 2.2.0 on October 17, 2011


More dynamism with parameters

This version integrates a further level of flexibility and performance to FlowHeater. Parameters can now be defined and used in a variety of ways, for example in the Batch Module command line options /SetParameter Name=Value can be passed to FlowHeater.

e.g. FHBatch.exe /SetParameter DATABASE=Import-DB   YourDefinition.fhd

You can retrieve this value in the Definition using the new Parameter Heater or alternatively using a placeholder $DATABASE$ somewhere in the configuration. In the case of a database name, you would use it simply enter $DATABASE$ to substitute the value of the text field for the database name. You can use placeholder parameters almost anywhere that free text entry is offered. The Designer also offers you the possibility to define default values for parameters. As a simple example, you could checkout an import/export Definition in a testing environment, then when you are ready to go live, simply switch the relevant parameters.

e.g. FHBatch.exe /SetParameter DATABASE=production  /SetParameter Server=obelix  import-export.fhd

GroupBy Heater with InString grouping

31 July 2011

Release notes for version 2.1.0 on August 1, 2011


GroupBy Heater with InString grouping
GroupBy Heater with InString grouping

GroupBy Heater with InString grouping

In earlier versions of FlowHeater, the GroupBy Heater only grouped data for an identical series of incoming field values. As of this version, the GroupBy Heater also supports grouping on a substring of the input values. A new group is started for each occurrence in the incoming data of a substring specified in the GroupBy Heater properties.


From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Name: import
Info: Yes
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Name: export
Info: No

In this case, entering the value “From:” as the grouping condition in the GroupBy Heater will cause the blocks/groups to each commence with the “From:” substring.


04 July 2011

Release notes for version 2.0.7 on July 4, 2011

FlowHeater Templates
FlowHeater Templates


This version of FlowHeater introduces support for templates for the first time. Any FlowHeater Definition can now be saved as a Template using the menu option "File -> Save as a Template ..." As many Template files as you wish may be saved this way, catering for the most diverse of requirements. The storage location of Template files is freely selectable. The file extension for a Template file is .fhdt (FlowHeater Definition Template).

Database transactions

20 June 2011

Release notes for version 2.0.6 on June 20, 2011


Database transactions

The WRITE Adapter property AutoCommitAfter allows you to control how FlowHeater builds import/update transactions when writing to a database.
  • 0 = a single transaction is used for the complete import/update process (default)
  • X = (a number) after each X rows are written, an AutoCommit is executed
  • -1 (new) no database transactions are used

The new (-1) option disables database transactions (each row is effectively committed as soon as it is written) and this is useful when used together with the ODBC Adapter or OleDB Adapter when the underlying ODBC/OleDB database or driver cannot cope with database transactions.

Replace Heater with extended settings

06 June 2011

Release notes for version 2.0.5 on June 6, 2011


Replace Heater with extended settings

The Replace Heater is enhanced with some powerful capabilities. You can now replace tabs, line breaks and define complete lists of replacements. Replacement lists can consist of two alternatives:

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