JSON Adapter is now fully released for production use
As of this version the BETA testing phase of the JSON Adapter is finished and the JSON Adapter can now be used with live data. Since the structure of JSON files requires some understanding, five detailed examples are provided to explain the special features of JSON processing with FlowHeater. In addition, a tutorial video is available that goes through these examples and demonstrates how easy it makes the conversion of JSON files. The examples only deal with converting JSON and CSV files, but this is simply for purposes of illustration. The same principles these demonstrate can of course be applied to JSON import and export to and from other FlowHeater Adapters, such as SQL databases or REST web service calls using the REST API Adapter.
Follow this link to the JSON examples: Examples of general JSON to CSV conversion
And follow this link to watch the video: General JSON processing video
New Heater “DateTime Convert” transforms date and time formats
Transform Date/Time valuesAs of this version you can now convert dates and time into different time zones and formats. The DateTime Convert Heater supports all available time zones. By default, your system’s time zone and UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) is assumed. Alternative settings in the DateTime Convert Heater also allow you to convert dates and times to Unix (also Linux) time. Unix time is expressed in the number of seconds that elapsed from Jan 1, 1970 until the date and time in question. With the DateTime Convert Heater you can easily convert back and forth between these different formats.
Write different types of record in one output file
Support for direct access to BLOB / BINARY fields
New Adapters available for HTTP / HTTPS REST API and JSON
The JSON data format is also used for REST API WebService calls. Therefore, the two new Adapters complement each other perfectly in FlowHeater. In addition, the REST API Adapter can process XML and other data formats as well.