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FlowHeater dynamically loads Parameters saved in a file

 As of this version FlowHeater supports the dynamic inclusion of FlowHeater Parameters from a Parameter file. The Parameter file, which needs to be in UTF-8 format, is read dynamically before each run and FlowHeater Parameters are preassigned with the values defined within it.
In the Designer, a static parameter file can be specified using “Menu ->Edit->Parameters”. The Batch Module further supports dynamic replacement of the default with the option “/ParameterFile filename”.
Any number of FlowHeater Parameters can be entered in a Parameter file. One Parameter can be assigned per line e.g. "Parameter name = value”. A detailed description of the structure of the Parameter file can be found under the Batch Module help.

Release notes for version 4.2.1 on October 31, 2020

Other improvements

New Heater – Message Heater

The Message Heater can be used to raise user-defined notifications of types "Debug", "Info", "Warning", and "Error" during processing. In cases where warnings or errors are generated, the exit code is set at termination of processing when called via the Batch Module. For warnings the exit code is set to 4 and for errors it is set to 8.

Note: Processing does not abort in cases of a user-defined error message. If this is desired, the Stop Heater can be used for this purpose.

.NET Script Heater with RaiseWarning and RaiseError functions

Similar to the new Message Heater, the .NET Script Heater now also supports user-defined notifications. The RaiseWarning(string Msg) and RaiseError(string Msg, bool StopExecution = false) functions can now also be used to trigger user-defined notifications by C# or VB.NET scripts. The RaiseError function also provides the optional Boolean "StopExecution" parameter for aborting the processing. When execution is aborted this way, the exit code is set to 12.

Addition Heater – new option to sum “same input values”

The Addition Heater has always supported summing combined with the GroupBy Heater. This new option also supports summing of input values independent of the GroupBy Heater. The first input value is interpreted as a unique grouping value and all further input values are summed in advance.

Designer – numbering of processing steps

Processing steps are now numbered to give a better overview in the Designer . For Definitions with a lot of similar processing steps, it makes it easier to identify them.

Database Adapter – updated third-party drivers

The database drivers for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQlite Adapters have been updated.

FlowHeater Server - user profile is now always loaded

Before a FlowHeater Server task is executed, the complete user profile under which the task is to be executed is now loaded. In addition, the log file shows the user under which the task was executed. Helpful for extended error analysis.


Corrections (bug fixes)

  • TextFile Adapter: No dynamic column assignment was possible for quoted column headers

  • XML Adapter: After exit from the settings, the XML filename to be processed was partially reset

  • Excel Adapter: No processing when more columns were available in the Excel file than originally defined

  • String Replace Heater: Labelling errors corrected

  • Filter Heater: Warnings that occurred were not reset

  • InMemory Adapter: Display of the InMemory Table now reminds you the Definition has not been executed

  • .NET Script Heater: Corrected the line offset for "Compiler" error output. The line offset was only wrong with VB.NET, C# scripts were not affected


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Efficient data integration and transformation with FlowHeater – the perfect solution for a seamless transfer of your data.

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