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FlowHeater Server – copy, import and export tasks

As of this release, the FlowHeater Server Manager supports copying tasks within the GUI. In addition, tasks can be exported and later imported. To avoid possible conflicts, copied and imported tasks are initially marked “deactivated”. Using the “Multi-Select” option it is possible to import or export more than one task at the same time. Tip: Among other things, this makes it relatively easy to create backups of existing server tasks.

Release notes for version 4.2.2 on January 9, 2021

Other improvements

AutoID Heater – new function to reset to starting value when value exceeds a limit

The AutoID Heater has been extended with another useful function. It is now possible to reset the AutoID value to the start value as soon as a defined maximum value is reached. The counter (AutoID) then begins again from the specified start value.

Batch Module – new command line option /Silent

The Batch Module has a new command line option: /Silent. When employed it does not send any output to the console.

TextFile Adapter – improved display of results after running

The display of results in the TextFile Adapter has been extended with the possibility to mark blocks of text in order to copy them to the clipboard as well as with a search option for text passages directly on the display.

TextFile Adapter – new field format option “Center”

As of this version, the TextFile Adapter also supports centered formatting of fields output. If a field with a fixed field width is defined, "Center" can now be selected here in addition to left or right alignment of output. By default, spaces are used to pad the output. The padding character can of course be changed to any other character desired.

SQL Server Adapter – possibility to set the Transaction Isolation Level

The SQL Server Adapter now supports selection of the "Transaction Isolation Level" to be used for database transactions. This allows a much more specific response to the respective conditions of the environment. By default, READ COMMITTED is used as the SQL Server Transaction Isolation Level. Alternative options available are: READ COMMITTED, READ UNCOMMITTED, REPEATABLE READ, SNAPSHOT and SERIALIZABLE. Note that the Transaction Isolation Level selected must be supported by the version of Microsoft SQL Server you are currently using!

Database Adapters in general – user-defined SQL statements for connection initialization

All database adapters now offer the possibility to execute user-defined SQL statements for connection initialization. For example, ODBC or OleDB data sources could be individually addressed to support special conditions. The SQL commands specified are issued immediately after the connection to the respective database is established. The dialect for the SQL syntax depends on the underlying database being addressed.

Adapters in general – extended logging supports Parameters

In extended logging, FlowHeater Parameters can now also be used for the filename.

FlowHeater Server – improved display of console outputs

The live "Current Status" view of the console display of actively executed outputs has been heavily revised. The view now combines the current standard output and any error outputs that may have occurred. If error outputs arise, they are also displayed separately for more detailed analysis. If FlowHeater Server is configured to save console outputs, these can be analyzed in more detail in the execution history.


Corrections (bug fixes)

  • Loading Parameters saved in a file: recently deleted FlowHeater Parameters were redisplayed when selecting the parameter file.

  • Database Adapters in general when loading the schema information of tables: the notice that key information or auto increment fields have changed was only displayed if something has changed since the last loading.

  • Database Adapters in general when deleting multiple records: a notice was inadvertently output that “more than one record was updated”.

  • FlowHeater Server when executing manually via Server Manager: the display of execution time was incorrect.

  • FlowHeater Server Manager: frozen GUI problem. The problem occurred when a task was running that issued control characters that caused the console output to pause. The actual FlowHeater Server execution was not affected.


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