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MS Excel CSV import using VB.NET

Warning : The DataTable Adapter is outdated and no longer being developed. All the transformations described here can now be carried out better and more easily by using integrated data Adapters. 

This describes a brief Visual Basic .NET example to illustrate how the .NET DataTable Adapter can be used to integrate any data source and target in FlowHeater. Of course the example is also provided as Visual Studio Solution source code.

.NET DataTable Excel CSV import
.NET DataTable Excel CSV import

.NET DataTable Excel CSV import

Note: This example only serves as a demonstration. In fact this Excel import/export would be much simpler using with the Excel Adapter alone. If you want to repeat this example you will need Microsoft Excel 97 (or above) installed on your computer.


.NET DataTable Adapter configurator
.NET DataTable Adapter configurator

.NET DataTable Adapter configurator

Once you have opened this example’s Definition, the screen should look something like the screenshot above. The READ side contains nothing of special note, it simply inputs a small CSV text file called "MS-Excel-CSV-Import.txt". Let us inspect the WRITE side’s Configurator. The Excel-Import.dll contains only one Visual Basic .NET function, which stores the data received on the WRITE side at the end of an Excel workbook called "Output.xls". If this workbook does not already exist, it is first created.

Try running this Definition and also inspect the VB .NET source code. You will find the Visual Studio Solution in the directory "Examples\EN\DataTableAdapter\VSExcelImport".

VB.NET Code for the Excel import

Public Sub FlowHeater_SetDataTable(ByRef dt As DataTable)

If (dt.Rows.Count = 0) Then
    ' test call from the FlowHeater Designer or nothing to do
Exit Sub

excel As Object

'create Excel object
    excel = CreateObject(
'excel.Visible = True

Dim filename As String
    filename = Path.Combine(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory,

' if not exist create
If File.Exists(filename) Then
End If

workbook As Object
    workbook = excel.ActiveWorkbook

If workbook.Worksheets.Count() = 0 Then
End If

worksheet As Object
    worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(1)

Dim nRow As Integer
    nRow = 1

' search for first free row
Do While True
range As Object
        range = worksheet.Cells(nRow, 1)

Dim cellValue As String
        cellValue =

If range.Value2 <> Nothing Then
cellValue = range.Value2.ToString()
End If

cellValue.Length() = 0 Then

        nRow = nRow + 1

dr As DataRow
For Each dr In dt.Rows
Dim col As DataColumn
Dim nCol As Integer
        nCol = 1
For Each col In dt.Columns
            worksheet.Cells(nRow, nCol) = dr(col)
            nCol = nCol + 1
Next col
        nRow = nRow + 1
Next dr

End Sub


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