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Calculations on date and time fields

Release notes for version 2.2.5 on January 30, 2012


Calculations on date and time fields
Calculations on date and time fields

New AddDays Heater

Using the AddDays Heater values can be added to date and time fields, or when negative, subtracted from them. Calculating with days, as suggested by the name of the Heater (function) is not all. By amending the default option in the configuration popup, you can also offset dates by years or months and times by hours, minutes or seconds.


New DaysDiff Heater

The DaysDiff Heater enables you to calculate the difference between two date/time values. By default, the function delivers the difference in days, without a decimal fraction. In the configuration popup, however, you can alternatively select the difference in hours, minutes or seconds . You can also select an option to provide the difference with a decimal fraction.

Bug fix: Database Lookup and SQL Heaters

An error in the handling of the Database Lookup and SQL Heaters has been eliminated. When it was attempted to access data from the READ side, an error message resulted and the data import/export run aborted.

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